
In an earlier post I had talked about my application for Google Summer of Code,

  1. I am extremely glad to inform that my project for CSymPy (now called SymEngine) and SymPy has been selected under Python Software Foundation. Ondrej Certik and Thilina Rathnayake will be mentoring me during the course of my project. Ondrej started the SymPy library and is currently leading the development of SymEngine, while Thilina is a two time GSoC’er with SymPy and SymEngine and has research interests in Symbolic computation. Needless to say, I am extremely lucky to work under such talented people.

My project involves writing polynomial based series expansion modules for SymEngine and SymPy. I have already had very productive discussions with my mentors and hope to do some good work.

Looking forward to a great summer!
